Revelation 14:13 Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, "Write: 'Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.'" "Yes," says the Spirit, "that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them."

I've shared a lot of thoughts about the evils of material desires and there is little doubt that money can be the root of all kinds of evil as stated in 1 Timothy 6:10 but material possessions, in themselves are not evil. The things we may do to obtain them is where the evil comes in. But having said that, of course not all people blessed with material success are bad. Many good Christians have been blessed by GOD with comfortable lives here in the world. 1 Timothy says "The love of money..." and not just "Money..." as the more popular shortened version of the quote states. Money is inanimate so cannot be good or evil. It's our desire to possess it at all costs that generates the evil.

But we all know that when the times comes for us to depart this life, all the money in the world will not matter one iota. We will not be judged by our bank accounts but rather by our works as stated in Revelations 14:13 (above). We cannot take any material possessions with us when we stand before Jesus to be judged but we can take the deeds we have performed during our time on earth. In the end, our materials accounts will not matter but we also have a moral bank account and that will be our currency after we sleep, so we must start making deposits now to amass our spiritual fortunes but these deposits will not be accepted unless they are made from the heart.