This is a profound "Judge not lest you be judged..." Matthew 7:1.
This is such a profound statement made by Matthew as it sets the stage for true justice. How can someone judge another and condemn him if he is guilty of the same sin himself? In John 8:7, when persistently questioned by the Pharisees regarding the stoning of an adulteress, Jesus says, "Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her."

GOD wants us to judge but with due process so we can arrive at fair judgements. If the Bible forbids us to judge each other, then total anarchy would be the result. What the above quotes are stating is not to judge hypocritically. Jesus further asks, "How can you seek to remove the splinter from your brothers eye when you have a plank in your own." Before we can judge others, we must first judge ourselves. Then when we judge, we must attempt to primarily find some way to forgive the guilty and only when all possibility of atonement through forgiveness is exhausted,can punishment be assigned. After Jesus answered the Pharisees about the stoning of the adulteress, they all departed leaving Him alone with her and he then said to her to go home and sin no more. Jesus, who had the right to judge and exact punishment, chose to forgive and allow the woman to correct her path.

Judgement is a dicy thing when left up to us humans as there is much evil lurking in the hearts of man. Innocent people will be falsely accused while guilty people will escape punishment. Nowadays it seems like a good lawyer is more effective than actual innocence but there will be an ultimate judgement. Getting away with murder so to speak is just a temporary reprieve. During the millennium, when all will come to know GOD, thats when we will be judged with divine truth and our works will be evaluated.