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Christianity is unlike any other major monotheistic religion. For the most part, they all preach peace and achieving a higher spiritual consciousness but there is a major difference that further qualifies Christianity as the truth. All other monotheistic religions, whether Islam or Buddhism have one god and prophets. The gods are inaccessible. Jesus Christ was the Son of GOD, not a prophet and He even revealed to us that He was GOD and equal to GOD. No other religion claims to have had their god manifest himself into a body that could be accessed by humans on earth.

This is important for GOD so loved us, as the book of Jhn says, that HE gave his only Son. As parents, its easy to imagine that we would trace places with our children of they were terminally ill or in harm's way. We made ourselves unworthy of GOD but HE so loves us that HE decided to put HIMSELF in harm's way and to suffer and die for us so that we may regain our intended place by HIS side in fellowship with HIM. How cool is that?


We are unable to see GOD face to face and our intellect is way too small to understand HIS magnanimity. HE reveals HIMSELF to us in so many ways but we refuse to see and acknowledge the proof. Instead of throwing up HIS hands and saying I've tried, GOD gave HIMSELF to suffering in the earthly form of Jesus so that we may understand HIS way better.


Jesus came to earth and proved His claim to being the one true Son of GOD through many divine works. He commanded the elements, healed multitudes of afflictions of which there is no cure, He raised the dead, Fed thousands with only enough food for a couple, He sacrificed Himself and died a horrible death, then He was resurrected and ascended to heaven before our very eyes. The New Testament is a collection of eye witness accounts of His life on earth. I urge you to read Josh McDowell's book, More Than A Carpenter as it presents proof supporting the New Testament's text. Unlike other religions, we have a GOD who put HIS money where HIS mouth was and made HIMSELF accessible to us. Now all we have to do is believe. Not much to ask really.

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