Matthew 7:15-20 "Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves..." The Bible warns us of false prophets several times. Of course there is the great false prophet that the book of Revelations speaks of that will rise to power in the end of times and will convince most of the world to follow him to destruction, but I can say that I have see many other false prophets who exist among us right now.

Forst of all, the meaning of the word prophet is one who speaks for another. So, the Biblical prophets are ones who spoke for GOD. They spoke GOD's words to the people and the words were often accompanied by miracles. But there were other prophets, such as Aaron who was Moses' prophet as Moses was too shy to speak to the Israelites. GOD would speak to Moses, then Moses would speak to Aaron, who in turn would convey or prophecy the words to the masses.
I've watched TV evangelists go on air claiming that GOD has told them to urge you to send them your money. They have enormous followings and have gained massive wealth. Don't be deceived by their popularity as large followings do not mean that they are speaking the truth about GOD's word. Some claim to know when the end will come but thats an out and out lie for the Bible says that only GOD knows when the end will come. Jesus, when asked by the apostles, said even He didn't know. These false ministries are purpose driven and their purpose is not to save souls but to gain material wealth.

Don't be fooled by large ministries. Many of the prophets in the Bible were very unpopular as they spoke the truth about GOD's doctrine and this goes against human nature, which is sinful and greedy. Jesus Christ himself only had about 120 followers when He was crucified. As Christians, we need to be on our toes and be wise in who we listen to for the way of the false prophet is death.