“God knows people’s hearts, and he confirmed that he accepts Gentiles by giving them the Holy Spirit, just as he did to us.” - (Acts 15:8)
GOD favored the Israelites because they were an oppressed people and GOD, in HIS infinite mercy, took pity on them. HE established HIS covenant with Abraham and despite their constantly foresaking HIM, HE kept the covenant throughout the ages.
The Bible is mostly about the plight of the Israelites and their relationship with GOD but where does that leave us non-Jews? First of all, I think that every nation's people can relate to the suffering of the Jews, as well as their rebeliousness. Its almost as if the challenges and disobedience of the Jews are merely used as an example for us all. The lessons directed at GOD's chosen people are applicable to all amnkind, no matter what race or nationality. Also bare in mind that Jewish is not a race for most middle eastern people belong to the same ethnicity, whether muslim, jew or Christian.
Although the Bible deals with the descendants of Abraham through GOD's covenant, there are many passages where GOD let's us know that HIS favor is not exclusively for the Israelites. Ruth, whom GOD favored deeply for her faith, was not a Jew. In fact, GOD showed more favor to non-Jews who displayed faith, as we see Luke 7: 1-10 where Jesus heals the faithful Roman soldier's servant. Furthermore, the apostles Peter, Paul and John were non Jews.
In Acts 15:8 (above), Peter is defending the taking of the good news of Christ to the gentile Cornelius. As soon as the Holy Spirit entered Cornelius and his household, Peter and his companions were convinced that GOD approved their conversion. Salvation is for everyone on the planet who have faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. GOD plays no favoritism.