James 2:1
My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
We live in a world full of favoritisms. The wealthy jump the que, jobs are awarded through nepotism, discrimination is strife and partiality abounds just about everywhere. This is due to our decisions being clouded by selfishness. We help those we feel can help us.
Jesus often rebuked those who made large donations in the temple for they were awarded the best seats in the synagogue and feasts. They were admired and respected by their peers but they were not gaining anything of true importance by their extravagant displays. When the poor widow put two small copper coins into the donation box, Jesus pointed out that her sacrifice was far greater than those who parted with just some og their gold and silver for she gave all she had. In James 2:1, we are told to show no partiality, meaning we should not do for others based on selfishness.