Proverbs 23: 23
Buy truth, and do not sell it; buy wisdom, instruction, and understanding.
Many equate wisdom with age, which makes sense as wisdom is gained through experience. In the Bible, wisdom is often used with the word "understanding as a synonym. Throughout the Old testament, wisom is described on three levels. The first level is skill. Arts and artisans, such as weavers, architacts and goldsmiths are wise in their abilities to create or fabricate objects.
The second level of wisdom was to have a keen insight into dealing with others and having the ability to solve lifes many problems. King Solomon was known to be the wisest of all on this level. Solon was wise and he had an understanding of how to rule a society benevolently.
The third level of wisdom or wise was assigned to people who conducted themselves in an ordferly way with social sensitivity and who were morally upright. They practiced the Golden Rule and were considerate of others.
All three levels of wisdom described in the Bible are ways to better a community and to live by GOD's rules set forth to Moses. GOD wants us to exist in harmony and not be at each other's throats. I belive that this is part of HIS master plan for us and we should constantly be seeking to live by the moral standards HE wants from us.