The Bible is a book of redemption. It contains the knowledge of how to reconcile our relationship with our CREATOR. It is far more than a book of history, anthropology, cosmogony or science. It contains knowledge from all these fields but mainly it is a book of redemption. It shows us how to be saved.

The Bible is comprised of the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament contains 39 individual books and New Testament has 27 books. The first of the two testaments covers the period from the time of creation up till four hundred years prior to the birth of Christ. The New Testament begins with the birth of Jesus and then follows on after His death and resurrection with eye witness accounts and teachings of the apostles, mainly Paul. The New Testament also includes prophecies about the future and to be honest, those prophecies seem to be coming true right now. Ay least they are as far as the world being wicked.

But the Bible is not doom and gloom at all. Yes, there are very tierce warnings but all in all, it is a book full of good news and love. After all, it is a book that contains GOD's words.

GOD wrote the Bible through inspiring various worthy authors to record HIS words but make no mistake, the recorded words are GOD's and GOD's alone. 2 Timothy 3:16- "All Scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness..."

Reading the Bible has become an essential part of my daily routine and I look forward to those moments when I can learn more about my CREATOR through the studying of HIS word. All in all, the Bible has enriched my life with hope and thanksgiving for all that GOD and Jesus Christ has done for me.