So many people get frustrated and lose faith because GOD doesn't answer their prayers as they'd hoped. They think that HE has forsaken them or even doubt HIS existence when they experience loss or aren't granted what they desire. When we experience loss or are denied requests, we often focus on the negative and turn a blind eye towards all the wonderful gifts that GOD has already provided for us. James 1:17 says, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the FATHER of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."

Nature in all its splendor is a gift from GOD and we must enjoy it and give thanks. But on a more personal level, all things come from GOD and all things are taken by HIM. If something dear to us is taken, we must have faith and trust in HIM that everything happens for the greater good according to HIS plan. When we suffer, its according to HIS will and equally when we prosper.
Many would like to believe that success is self generated but I disagree. I believe that GOD grants success to some and not to others. That's why you have cases of one person doing something and succeeding, while another, who does exactly the same thing, fails.

All things are gifts from GOD. The food we eat, the success we enjoy, the air we breathe and even the obstacles we face. Obstacles are tests and are placed before us to strengthen our reconciliation with HIM. And we must always remember that HE so wants us to reconcile and join HIM forever that HE gave the ultimate gift of sacrifice through Jesus Christ. I am not perfect in any way but I am learning to be content with whatever little or abundance I am gifted by my FATHER in heaven.