The Gospel's Word through Jesus Christ teaches me how I should live my life with well known parables, such as the sower or the good Samaritan, with one teaching me how to build true faith and the other on how to treat others in a way that pleases GOD. The words of our Lord are a constant source of direction and encouragement for me.

The apostle Paul's teachings, as told in Acts and via letters he wrote in the book of Romans through Thessalonians, is another source of inspiration for me. Paul, when known as Saul, was born a Roman citizen and the son of a pharasee. He had power, wealth and influence amongst his people and was committed to condemning Christ in the years following HIS ascension to heaven, yet he made the choice to forsake his status and become one of history's strongest advocates and teachers of the Word.

Paul was the apostle who spread the teachings of Christ beyond the realm of the Jews and brought it to the gentiles and by doing so, suffered much in his lifetime. Why would he sacrifice so much? GOD changed his mind through a vision when he was on the road to Damascus seeking to persecute followers of Jesus. He was shown the Truth and lived by it for the rest of his life.
I now believe in the Truth and hope that I can do my small part to honor GOD. I am actively seeking ways to do HIS work and pray each day on how I can serve HIM better. I know GOD will hear me and guide me. Jesus has changed me as he did with Paul and I search for ways to glorify Him as did the apostle.