So, it is important that we pray with the innocence of children who have yet to accumulate the multitude of sins that we grown ups have. To pray with the faith of a child. But there are other important criteria for prayers. Jesus gave us the LORD's prayer, which covers it all really. It begins with exalting GOD's name, then calling for HIS presence here on earth as it is in heaven, asking HIM for our daily sustenance, for his forgiveness as we promise to forgive others (for how can we be forgiven if we don't first forgive?), the prayer then asks to be strong against temptation and to be able to resist the approaches of the evil one and finishes with glorifying GOD. When all else fails and you draw a blank when praying, repeating the LORD's prayer is a good way to go as long as you meditate on it and say it from the heart.

Prayer can be more specific though. If you truly need something and pray from the heart, GOD will provide it but bare in mind that praying for money or material excess is a selfish prayer and seldom are answered in the way we want them to be.
I believe it is important to confess our sins in our prayers. Again, when confessing sins, be specific and name all your sins and humble yourself before GOD. Through Jesus, you will be forgiven but first you must be honest with GOD if no one else. When I pray and confess my sins and I am reminded of how despicably I've behaved and it helps me to stop sinning. I am embarrassed before my GOD and I want to make it up to HIM. But GOD is our loving father and if we believe in HIM and Jesus, HE will forgive us no matter what.