John 16:8
And when he is come, he will reprove...of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more.
Jesus is referring to the Holy Spirit, which is part of the Trinity and is known as "He" not an "it". The Holy Spirit is described by John the Baptist as taking the form of a dove when descending on to Jesus. The Holy Spirit is what seeds and energizes our belief...our faith. In the Gospel of John, Jesus says that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will reprove of righteousness.
Ofetn times when someone pays us a compliment, we answer with negativity. For instance, if someone says we are wearing a nice article os clothing, we answer "Oh this old thing...". What we should say is thanks for the compliment instead of contradicting theor compliment. Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit will reprove of righteousness for those who have accepted and believe in Him. We are to believe that we have become righteous and must forget our past sinful lives. So many times, myself included, feel unworthy to be called righteous but GOD has told us that we are if we believe. How often we pray that we are unworthy of HIS love when we should be thanking HIM with all our hearts that HE has made us righteous through Jesus Christ.
Once we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we can cast off the memory of our previous, sinful lives and beliebve we have become righteous. No need to feel unworthy anymore or to contradict GOD's promise. All we should be doing is thanking HIM for helping us become so. Open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and let Him unveil the truth of our righteousness.