So, the Word as spoken by Jesus provides the guidelines on how to live my life and the acts of apostles like Paul inspires me to be strong in my faith in the face of adversary. Bearing witness to the growth of the believers in China inspires joy and confidence that GOD has not, nor will he ever desert us, as some preach these days.

On July 24, 2011, I received a true blessing from GOD, the birth of my daughter. My wife was diagnosed with a blocked fallopian tube and we were told that she had a one in ten thousand chance of ever getting pregnant. To make things worse, doctors also informed us that if odds were defied and by some minute chance she ever did get pregnant, there was a thousand to one chance that both she and the baby would not survive.

To be perfectly honest, I was OK with it as I've never felt ready or the desire for children but GOD had a different plan for me. Shortly after the diagnosis, my wife got pregnant. Aside from a few common bumps along the way, the pregnancy was smooth and my daughter was born and life changed.

Now when I look into my daughter's eyes and she smiles at me, I am inspired to be a better man. I know in my heart that the Lord blessed me with her and I pray each day for guidance on how to better serve HIM to repay HIS grace in giving me this incredible gift. GOD has given me the most incredible gift imaginable and I will forever live my life in service to HIM.