There is a constant raging argument between creation and evolution but the fact is, there really shouldn't be. Evolution is a process of scientific deduction and it has little to do with the evolution of the spirit. Many argue that GOD did not create the universe in seven days but follow the theory that the entire universe and all the matter in it was created in a millisecond. Although the Bible has many historical accounts, one must bare in mind that the Book is about GOD's relationship with man as we are the one spiritual species that lives on this planet. There is no use in describing the details of creation other than to satisfy curiosity, which is not a spiritual emotion.

What about evolution? The same principal applies. There is little spiritual gain from details of common descent, so evolution has no reason in context to the Bible's messages. Evolution is the deduction of how but there is no explanation for why. GOD is the why and whatever HIS methods were to get us to where we are today is not relevant in giving us spiritual guidance.

So how about dinasaurs? Fossil evedence points to the existence of dinosaurs in the distant past but there is little mention of them in the Bible. Again, I have to point to the relevance in relation to spiritual development. It's a case of sensationalism versus practicalism. Dinosaurs are fascinating but really don't matter to us today and equally have little practical importance to the Hebrews of old other than sensationalism. And in fact, you could argue that the Bible does mention dinosaurs. The tanniyin is mentioned in Genesis and other books in the Bible as a species that existed in the days of the Old testament. The Hebrew translation for tanniyin is dragon, sea serpent or giant venomous snake. There is also mention of an armored sea creature called the leviathan but unless tails of these creatures have a bearing on our spiritual development and relationship with GOD, they really don't have much place in the Bible. The Holy Book is about GOD, our relationship with HIM, how to reconcile with HIM and about the coming, life, death resurrection of Jesus Christ. All other topics have little significance when compared to this.