1 Chronicles 29:15-16
(15) We are aliens and strangers in your sight, as were all our forefathers. Our days on earth are like a shadow, without hope. (16) O LORD our God, as for all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for your Holy Name, it comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.
This is part of King David's final prayer as he put everything in order so that the temple could be built by his son and successor, Solomon. In this final benediction, David, despite all that he had accomplished in his lifetime, acknowledges to GOD that none of it was his own doing. As he makes the dedictaion of his grandious temple to GOD, he humbles himself by acknowledging that the building of the temple, although done to honor GOD, is only a small gesture and that it comes by way of GID;s hand in the first place.
At some point, we may perform works, give a donation or do something charitable that mnakes us feel like we have done something that puts us in a favorable light in GOD's eyes. This is self glorification and it is wrong. We may say to GOD, "Hey look what I've done. Isn't it great?" We have to realize that whatever our actions are, they are only possible because GOD has allowed us to do it. GOD is sovereign and HE wants us to do works in order to help each other. HE doesn't need us to do them for HIM. GOD's whole purpose for us is to love one another and through that act, we gain HIS love. The first thing we have to understand though is that all things come from HIM so we should never feel that we are giving HIM anything. Instead, we shoud praise HIM for allowing us to do HIS work.