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Habakkuk 1:2

"How long, O LORD, will I call for help, and You will not hear?"


So often it seems that our prayers are falling on deaf ears when we ask for things from GOD. This prompts many to believe that GOD doesn't want us to ask HIM for things but this isn't true. GOD delights in HIS cheldren asking and this is evident throughout the Bible.


Habakkuk literally put the LORD to the test in verse 1:2. It seems to him that GOD just wasn't listening or responding. Further on, GOD does respond and in the end it was for the best as it always is with GOD. The fact is, HE knows what we need better than we do.


For many, this is a pretty unacceptable answer. It's not difficult to understand the frustration of many believers. The good news is that GOD does answer prayers but HE does it in HIS onw, better way. 


When we ask GOD for things, we must consider four ways HE will anser. First and the worst case scenario is that HE turns HIS back on us or simply says "no" due to our excessive sinning. Almost as frustrating is when GOD says wait. When we want things, we want them now and waiting is almost as bad as a no but understand that GOD works for our own good and sometimes waiting is the best way to serve GOD;s purpose in granting us what we want. Many times the naswer is "yes" but just not in the way we would want. GOD hears our prayers and we must have faith that HE is working for us to make us better.

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