Many doubters ask why the miracle of Jesus coming was so focused on a small portion of the world in the Middle East. They wonder why GOD didn't send Jesus to appear to the whole world. That would be way too easy and I believe that even if HE did, there would still be many doubters as our nature is selfish and self promoting. GOD planted the seed and HE requires us to grow through faith and to spread the Gospel amongst ourselves, of our own free will.
Matthew 28:19 "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.".

By all rights, we should never be allowed into heaven but GOD so wants us to be with HIM, that HE sacrificed HIS only begotten Son so that we may be forgiven. But because GOD is holy and just, there has to be some sort of action on our parts to gain such a pardon. We have been spared what we deserve, which is death and we no longer have to seek our reprieve through blood as our Lord Jesus Christ shed His for all of us. The only thing we need to do is have faith in order to unlock the doors of heaven. If GOD had made it as evident to the whole world at once, as HE did with the Israelites when Jesus came, then there would be no action required on our part, which is unjust and would go against GOD's nature. So, GOD devised a way that would see us reconcile with HIM and would satisfy HIS natural need to uphold the law of justice.

GOD sent HIS Son to save the world. HE allowed this incredible act of mercy to be witnessed by a select few, who then spread the good news. The only test we are required to pass is to believe in each other, thus trusting that what the witnesses told us is the truth. In essence, having faith in GOD is also having faith in Jesus, which begins with having faith in the Word spread by each other.