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Acts 17:24-25

The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything.


GOD doesn't need anything from us. HE doesn't need our time, effort, worship, money (tithe), etc. There is nothing we can provide GOD that HE doesn't already have. In fact, HE created everything so what could we possibly provide HIM? So why does GOD want us to worship HIM, give tithes, perform works and all? All these requirements are for our own joy, not HIS. GOD wants us to worship HIM so we can experience the joy of HIS love. HE wants us to tithe and perform works for our own satisfaction and building our self worth and character. 


GOD wants us to perform these deeds for our own good and HE wants us to do them with a glad heart. When we rejoice in worshipping HIM instead of doing so as a chore, we can truly experience HIS joyful presence. There is no greater comfort than to know that the SUPREME BEING loves us and wants nothing but the best for us. GOD doesn't need us but HE loves us like any good parent does. He is pure love and steadfast patience and HIS intent is pure and is the only thing in the universe that we truly need to seek.

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