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Ephesians 2:18

"For through him [Christ] we both have access in one Spirit to the Father."


Of all the Christian doctrines, the Holy Trinity or Triune is possibly the most difficult to truly understand. The Holy Trinity consists of the FATHER, The Son and The Holy Spirit. They are not three seperate entities but are more like three pillars holding up one structure. First of all, Genesis tells us that GOD created us in HIS own image, so when we think of the Triune, we conjure images of an older man as GOD, Jesus as the Son and then perhaps a dove as the Holy Spirit. Most paintings since midieval times depict the Trinity in this way but I think it is misleading.


GOD is not a person, GOD is pure spirit so to asign any one form to HIM may be wrong. HE is omnipresent so how can HE be encompassed in one body. Thinking about GOD in this way, imagine that HE is everywhere at once. Through faith, we see HIM, not with our eyes but with our hearts. The Trinity now becomes more undertandable. GOD is the FATHER whom loved us so much, HE manifested HIMSELF in the flesh as the Son to provide us redemption for our sins. HE sacrificed HIMSELF so that we may reconcile. The third part is the Holy Spirit which enters us and instills the desire in  our hearts to react to this great sacrifice and seek reconciliation. Togther the three pillars make up the character of GOD.

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