The Bible is the divine handbook for all Christians. It contains our history and tells us about our future. It provides guidance, comfort, inspiration, hope and although it is an ancient work, it is just as relevant today as it was in the times of it's writings. The words it contains are GOD's own words written through his prophets, telling us of many wondrous miracles and acts of our LORD.

The Bible has a beginning, which is the beginning of the universe we live in of us as human beings. Through it, we learn of our sinful mistakes and how GOD has been trying to reconcile ourselves to HIM. The best part of the Bible is the coming of Jesus Christ, as that is the point when GOD provided us with the path to reestablish our friendship and fellowship with HIM.

We then learn about the works of the saints in establishing the church and how Paul spread the world to the whole world. Despite continuous persecution, that Word has grown over the last two millennia as GOD's following gorws and touches all corners of the world.

The final book of the Bible gives us some insight as to what will happen when the band stops playing and it's time to go home to our Father. The time between the apostles' last letters till then are being filled with additional books that are or will be written. Books such as More Than A Carpenter as well as deeds we perform as Christians. We are all part of the story with no part too small and the best part is, the Book has the happiest of endings. Amen.