Matthew 5:8
“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God”
A group of university student candidates were recently asked a series of questions when being interviewed for admissions. The questions included, "What will you do after you gain admission?", What will you do after you graduate?", "...after you earn your degree?", "...after you get a good job and eran lots of money?", "...after you retire? and after that?" The answers were unanimous. "Get the best education I can. Earn my dgree. Get a good job, Earn lots of money and retire and live happilly ever after.
The student cadidate's answers pretty much reflects the general goals of most of our society today. Everyone wants to live a happy life and there's nothing wrong with that but there is a greater goal than what is in store for us in the here and now and that is to one day see GOD. That is the goal of every Christian ro should be. I can think of nothing greater than to one day meet my MAKER. The key to doing so is to live life in a way that will make that possible. Living with a pure heart will unlock the door to seeing GID as well as open the treasure trove for our lives now.
By living life in accordance with GOD's rules, we live with a pure heart and with a pure heart, we cannot be poor but rich in spirit. The heart of the matter is the matter of the heart so to speak.
Philippians 3:19 describes how most live these days, “… their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things” In the end, they will not bear fruit but by living our lives devoted to GOD and living by HIS rules, we can be guaranteed to one day be able to see HOM face to face, which is worth more than any riches and is the ultimate fulfillment.