GOD is everywhere and we can witness HIS glory if only we look. "Let those with eyes, see." as Jesus said. GOD's glory is in the beauty that surrounds us from the vastness of a clear, star lit night, to the minute detail of a snowflake. GOD's glory is on display for us to marvel at at all times and in all places. Living in a polluted and crowded city of ten million people, its difficult to remember this at times. Since I moved to China, I don't think I've ever seen a star lit night here.
For those of us who dwell in big cities, we are surrounded by man made structures with very little interaction with nature, which is GOD's glory at its best. Speaking for myself, I can honestly say that I yearn for nature and would love nothing better than to move to the country where I could bear witness to GOD's glory in the natural things and displays that HE provides for HIS children as proof of HIS glory. Circumstances prohibit my move and that is GOD's plan for me for now and that's OK. I think GOD keeps me here so that I may be able to share my journey to Christ with others in this crowded place and one day, I may be rewarded with my desire to move back to nature. In order for me to be in an environment where I can experience GOD's glory through nature, HIS miraculous canvas, I must first glorify HIM.

In the past, GOD would reveal himself or perform miracles to HIS children as HE did with Moses, Noah, Peter but first they had to do something. Moses had to lift his staff before GOD parted the Red Sea. Noah was required to build an ark before GOD showed him HIS might and glory and Peter had step out of the boat on faith before he could walk on water. "Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves." (James 1:22). I know that if I want to witness the glory of GOD, I must first glorify HIM through works, which is fair enough.