The Gospel means the good news and it tells us of GOD's gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. That in itself is comforting beyond words but what about small comforts for everyday tribulations?
For me, the Bible provides comforting passages full of wisdom that help me cope with every frustration I encounter on a daily basis, as well as what seem to be major crises.

When I feel afraid or worried, I can turn to Psalms. If anger, envy/ jealousy or temptation worm their way into my thoughts, I seek the advice from the books of Matthew, Peter or 1 Corinthians. Psalms or Isaiah provide comfort in times of sadness or loneliness and in times of doubt, John is there for me.

In the past, I used to think my best friend was someone who would drink with me and listen to my problems and complaints. I never really felt much comfort from these experiences.
The Bible has revealed who my best friend really is. He is someone who is always there for me, no matter what. He listens to me and has provided a source of comfort in the Bible and it always works. It doesn't provide solutions to problems mind you but opens your eyes to seeing the issues in a different light. It helps you put things into perspective and by doing so, life's little road blocks seem to shrink in importance.

No more seeking solace in the bottom of a glass as I now have a best friend who really cares and He provides comfort through His words in the Bible.