What happens to us when we die? Many Christians believe that as soon as we breathe our last mortal breath, our souls will immediately awaken in heaven. While pondering this question, I happened upon an article written by Steve Wohlberg, www.thetruthaboutdeath.org.

First of all I had to ask myself the question, what is our soul? Is it something we feel while we are living? I believe our soul is what causes us to feel. If you have ever been truly heartbroken, then I think you have felt, as I have, your soul in anguish. But is our soul separate from our living bodies? I think that the body and the soul are one and when we die, our soul does not detach and float off to heaven. We do not become an afterlife spiritual entity like a ghost that can be reached through mediums and psychics. In fact the Bible and GOD strictly forbids any attempt at communicating with the dead as any contact is not with departed souls but with demons impersonating the deceased.

The Bible and Jesus refers to death as sleeping and there is no thought or consciousness while we are dead. We will only be awakened when Jesus returns. For us, it will seem like an instantaneous event that when we pass away, we will suddenly awaken in GID's presence but the fact is years, decades, centuries or even millennium may have passed. It's like when you fall into a deep, dreamless sleep. It seems like your head hits the pillow and suddenly its daylight and you're refreshed. We will awaken and rise from our sleep changed as Paul says and for us the feeling will be as if we just went to sleep a minute ago.

The fact is, we cannot know for sure what it will be like when it happens. All we have to go on is the GOD's word in the Bible and our faith and trust in HIm and for me, thats plenty.