God is self-sufficient and self-existent. (Exodus 3:13-14; Psalm 50:10-12; Colossians 1:16).

Unlike us, GOD was not created by some higher power. HE always existed, which coincides with HIS eternal character. GOD always was and is so therefore HE is self-existent.
As independent as we may think we are, we still rely on many things. Ultimately GOD controls all but HE uses so many levels that filter down to us. For instance, GOD may want us to climb the corporate ladder and we may think we are doing so by our own hard work but we rely on so many factors. Whether our boss notices our efforts and whether or not the higher position is available. GOD relies only on HIMSELF.

GOD possesses within HIMSELF, every power, quality and characteristic. HE is almighty with control over everything in existence and HIS power is endless. In short, GOD wants for nothing. HE IS COMPLETE AND PERFECT.

HIS love is divine and perfect and thats HIS reason for creating us, so HE could fill us with HIS love. The ultimate CREATOR created us empty so we could receive HIS fullness and HE revealed HIMSELF to us through the Son, Jesus Christ, the first born of all that we are intended to be.