God is omnipresent (present everywhere). (Psalm 139:7-12)

We've established that GOD is eternal and infinite or in other words, HE is forever and without boundaries. So, the next challenge for us to understand about our CREATOR is that HE is everywhere. A working mother can't be at her job and look after her child at the same time. No form of technology exists where one can be in two places at one time. GOD is everywhere at all times. It's hard to imagine something being so vast that it is never-ending and is everywhere but I believe we can't think of GOD in spacial terms. HE is the supreme spiritual being. This doesn't mean that GOD is some immense blob that encompasses the universe. The Bible tells us that GOD has a form. In Genesis, we learn that GOD created us in HIS image and likeness and in Exodus, GOD tells Moses that HE will show him HIS back for to look on HIS face would mean death. GOD HIMSELF suggests a human form.

The truth is that we cannot understand fully what GOD looks like nor will we see HIM until we transcend into spiritual beings ourselves. Just like attempting to grasp the details of HIS plan for us, these are things that are beyond our comprehension and, to be frank, I feel they not important for now. My thinking or understanding is that we exist on earth as a stage where we are to develop our faith and trust and are tested to see if we, our souls, are worthy to make it to the next step, which is to transcend. GOD has given us the Bible and numerous teachings on how to make it to the next level. All we have to do is listen, learn, have faith and trust in HIM.