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Philippians 1:7

It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me. 


Paul, who wrote many of the epistles in the Bible, most likely wrote this while in prison. As you can imagine, prison back then must have been a pretty lonely and desperate place that can easily breed despair but Paul was able to comfort himself by remembering his brothers in faith from the Philippian church.


Through GOD and Jesus Christ, we know we are never alone and can tolk to Them whenevr we want, as often as we want and in any situation, whether alone or in a crowd but through the body of Christ, we also have fellow believers who are always with us in our thoughts.


Even though sometimes something may cause us to be unable to attend church on Sundays, the memory of the relationships we develop with fellow Christians can give us comfort. I have met a strong believer online though email and have developed a great friendship with this person. We share many thoughts through email and when I'm feeling a bit lost, the thought of Michael comforts me. We are all united and share in GOD's grace together.

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