Obediah 1:15
For the day of the LORD is near upon all the nations. As you have done, it shall be done to you; your deeds shall return on your own head.
Call it what you will. Non Christians call it kharma, what goes around comes around or whatever. The fact is, it's all part of GOD's balance for justice. The Old Testament demanded an eye for an eye but when Jesus came, His blood erased much of the old law and our balance was moved to a much higher level. Instead of seeking justice on a lowly earth bound plane, Jesus teaches us that we should forego retribution here on earth. We should "turn the other cheek" and leave justuce to GOD when the time comes.
Of course rampant criminal behavior should be detained and seperated from society, so a legal system is necessary. Having said that, how can we judge whats in each other's hearts? What if someone commits a crime and is sentenced to a lengthy jail term. While he is serving his sentence, he repents and is truly sorry for his crime and decides he will never commit another crime. The spector of his crime and jail term will follow him for the rest of his life. In a sense, society will never forgive him.
We are all criminals in GOD's eyes for we are all sinners but through the blood of Christ, we are totally forgiven. If we repent and accept Jesus, our sins are if they have never been. If GOD can forgive us, can't we forgive each other? GOD has tipped the balance in our favor through Jesus Christ and a repentant criminal should receive the same treatment from society.