We were created to enjoy fellowship with our CTREATOR. HE gave us the freedom to choose to be with HIM but we chose to rebel instead, thus separating us from HIM. If we obeyed HIS one command in the Garden of Eden and resisted eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, then all sin would be unknown to us and we would be close enough to perfect and been accepted by HIM. Since GOD is holy and since the serpent deceived us into knowing sin, we have become sinners and that makes it impossible for us to regain our fellowship with the LORD through our own doing. Even the most righteous among us sins.

Basically since the original sin, we have waxed wicked as time goes by distancing us further from reconciliation with GOD. Once the knowledge of sin entered into us, we can't help but succumb to it repeatedly. By all rights, GOD could have blotted all mankind out with good reason but HE didn't. Why? Because HE truly loves us and so wanted us back that HE devised a way. As the it says in the book of John, "GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only Son so that we may not perish but have everlasting life."

We cannot reconcile with GOD through personal deeds. No matter how generous or sacrificing we are, it just isn't enough for us to be perfect enough to be what we were created to be, which is sin free. So, GOD, who loves us so much, sent Jesus to absorb all our sins and through Him, we can regain our intended position with our CREATOR.

Every journey start with the first step and our first step in our journey back to GOD is to accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Once that is done and Jesus is in our hearts, then all the good deeds start to accumulate in our favor. Through Christ, our journey home begins.