John 6:63
(63) It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

In this passage, John teaches us that spirit, words and life are all linked. Firstly, the spirit is something we all possess but most of our spirits are corrupted. We have totally lost touch with the importance of our spirits and choose to satisfy our flesh instead. Physical life is fleeting and in all honesty, one can never truly find ultimate satisfaction and peace through the flesh. We may gain a modicum of comfort for a short amount of time but it doesn't last. Before long, earthly satisfaction fades and we seek more to satiate our desires. Only when we seek to satisfy our spiritual side, do we find peace.

Words are our way of communicating, teaching and learning. GOD has given us HIS word through the Bible and in it, we find spiritual comfort. Words can either bounce off you or you can absorb them. If we study GOD's Word and truly seek to understand them, then we will find the spirit within.

GOD has provided us with the perfect tool to reconnect with our spirits, thus rejoining us with HIS. If we diligently seek our spirits through the study of HIS Word in the Bible, we will ultimately discover peace and tranquility, which is truly life.