Matthew 14:22-33 (summary)
After feeding the 5000, Jesus sends his disciples ahead of him in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee. Several hours later in the night, the disciples encounter a storm. Jesus comes to them, walking on the water. This terrifies the disciples who think they are seeing aghost. Jesus tells them in verse 27, "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."
If you really study the chain of events from the time Jesus fed the five thousand up to the point where He walked on water, you should be able to understand that these events are important lessons about faith. The lessons are so rlelvant even today and apply to our everyday lives as Christians.
The Bible tells us that He fed the five thousand men, so if you include women and children, that number may have been as much as twenty thousand. His faith turned five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feeed the multitude. Then He sends His disciples accross the sea in a small boat while He goes up on a mountain to pray. No matter what, Jesus always made time in His busy schedule to talk to His father in heaven, which is an example that we MUST follow.
As the disciples enounter perilous conditions while at sea. Our lives without Jesus are like being alone in a small boat in rough seas. But if we cry out for Jesus like the disciples did, He will walk on water to us. Now the disciples thought He was a ghost when they first saw Him. Likewise, we often don't recognize esus' help when it comes but come it does. With faith and love, Jesus will always steady the small boat of our lives and rescue us from the strom.