Jesus was GOD in human form, which means that even though He had all the power and wisdom of GOD, He was still a mortal man with all the human frailties that we possess...or are cursed with. Despite having all the shortcomings of humans, Jesus led a sinless life, a life where He never, even once, sinned.

"Jesus the Son of God, . . . has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin."-Hebrews 4:14, 15.

Let's take a moment to think about that. Sin is more than lawless actions in the sight of GOD, it also includes thoughts. I believe that even the most righteous who have lived, had thoughts that strayed from righteousness from time to time. Thoughts are extremely hard to control. Sometimes they just pop into our heads without warning, so imagine Jesus living out His time on earth without even ever having a single sinful thought. Jesus was divine. His birth was supernatural but He was flesh and blood like the rest of us. He had organs and a human brain and He felt human emotion. He felt the physical comforts and discomforts like any man and knew what was easy and what was difficult, yet He was able to resist all temptation to sin.
Not only was He able to forgo succumbing to the everyday temptations we are submitted to, He was singled out and tempted by satan. When Jesus fasted in the wilderness for forty day and forty nights, He willfully put Himself in a weakened state, fully knowing He would be assaulted by satan's temptations. The devil attempted to prey on His human side and offered Him power and riches beyond comprehension but Jesus "put satan behind Him" and resisted. If put in the same position, how many of us would able to do the same?

Why was it so important for Jesus to remain sinless? First of all, He had to to prove His divinity. Even when condemning Him to crucifiction, Pilate could find no fault. More importantly, Jesus had to be perfect in order to reconcile us with GOD. Only a truly sinless and holy being could provide a conduit for us to reconnect with HIM who is perfect and cannot sin.

As a holy divine being, Jesus could npot and did not sin but His human nature could surely be tempted. His strength in resisting temptation paved the way for our salvation.