Many times in my life, when confronted by my peers about my belief in GOD and Jesus Christ, I would take the casual route and present what I thought were rational arguments but in fact these arguments actually denounced much of GOD's word in the Bible. I even claimed that Jesus may or may not have been the Son of GOD but was, nevertheless, a great teacher who's ideas set the world on a more civilized path. I made these arguments in order to ease any ridicule I would face from my "logic" based friends and colleagues. It was more important for me to be accepted, liked and respected and to glorify myself within my circle of influence. My faith was planted on rocky ground and I was wrong.

At two distinctive points in my past, I hit rock bottom. My friends and family all turned their backs on me, my financial state was a catastrophe and I felt utterly alone and helpless. My ego and selfishness were the source of my demise and when alone, I felt surrounded by evil. I was possessed by the demons of selfishness, ego and what was once self adulation ultimately transformed to self loathing. I had nowhere to go and no one to comfort my suffering so I turned to my only hope, the Bible and Jesus.

I immediately started to feel a little more comfort and hope began to well up where there was none. GOD works in mysterious ways so the saying goes and I can bear witness to that statement. In both cases, my life slowly turned around and I eventually found my way again and in the last case, the new life GOD provided for me is far more fulfilling than I could ever have hoped for. In my hours of darkness, I never could have dreamed of the path GOD has now provided for me. In fact, if I was told that my life would skew to my current path, I would have rejected it but now I can't begin to explain the joy I feel with my family and new friends. My ego and self importance tries to interrupt my peace of mind on a daily basis but now I'm able to subdue those demons before they can really surface.

In my hours of need, when I hit rock bottom, the rock I landed on was Jesus and that rock lifted me up. I will never try to rationalize the word of GOD again and there is no doubt in my mind now that Jesus Christ was truly the Son of GOD and he was sent here as prophesied to save the world!