Furthermore on sin and the act of sinning, free will gives us the the ability to choose to sin or abstain from it. There's an ongoing battle between good and evil, GOD and satan and we are the battle ground. GOD is the everlasting truth and love, while satan is the now, the material and its all lies and very fleeting. We have the choice to seek material comfort now, or store up spiritual currency for our future, which is eternity.
We, as human beings today, pay little attention to the future and choose to do whatever we can to get ahead right now. By now, I mean in this lifetime. I suppose its understandable for those who do not believe in GOD or the afterlife but for Christians, the pursuit of material comforts through dubious deeds is a great sin in my opinion for we know better.

There are varying degrees of sin, I believe. One who tells a white lie should not be held equal to one who rapes or murders. If you lie to make someone feel better or to protect someone from unnecessary persecution, I would think that GOD may find it easier to forgive these sins.

If you accidentally sin or what I like to call, reflex sin, then I believe it is judged less offensive to GOD than, let's say, initiating a ponzi scheme to cheat millions from innocent people or something premeditated like this. An accidental or unintentional sin much easier to forgive than an intentional, pre thought out offense as the latter is a scheme against GOD. The intentional sin puts yourself before GOD and I have to believe that thats not too easy to forgive.

As a Christian, I am hoping to remove intentional sin completely from my life. As far as accidental or reflex sin is concerned, my best way to battle these is to keep Jesus somewhere in the foreground of my thoughts at all times. I will sin many more times during the rest of my life but I hope that they are minor and easily forgiven.