GOD has punished the world for sin in the past. We still suffer for the sins of Adam and Eve. HE destroyed a wicked world with the flood.where HE wiped out all living creatures on earth except for Noah and his company and cargo on the ark. After that massive punishment, GOD made a covenant with Noah vowing to never wipe out humanity again.

This didn't mean GOD would never punish man again for our sins. He punished Sodom and Gamorah, the Egyptians of Exodus and many others. To be honest, with all the wickedness in the world today, I would be surprised if GOD wasn't planning on wiping us out. Fortunately, HE did make the covenant with Noah so we're safe there but what will HE do to punish us on a more minor scale than the flood? Will HE destroy America, which has become a huge den of iniquity with all the murder, immorality, thieving, cheating and lying. With the current economic situation, it looks like HE may just be doing so in a more modern way than raining fire and sulfur.

But does GOD punish Christians for sins when after we have accepted Jesus Christ? I believe that if we ask for forgiveness through Jesus' name and atone for our sins, then GOD blots them out. So, then, what about our misfortunes as Christians? Are they not punishment for sins? In most cases, I would say no. It's like when the disciple asked Jesus is the blind man they encountered was being punished for his or his parent's sins, Jesus told them neither. He was put there so that GOD could use him through Jesus healing to get the message across to people at the time that Jesus was the Messiah. As the book of Romans states, "And we know GOD works all things for good for those who love HIM." I believe our misfortunes are not punishments at all but quite the opposite, they are blessings in disguise and are bestowed upon us for a greater purpose. My many misfortunes have usually resulted in positive outcomes. I don't mean materially but they have strengthened my faith and character. We cannot possibly know GOD's plan but I willingly accept it and look forward to it.