For me and I'm sure this is the case for many Christians, the resurrection of Jesus after three days is the most important part of the Bible. In fact, most of the Bible up to this point, are lessons in our sinning ways as well as pointers to the time of the coming, teachings, death and resurrection of Christ.

When Jesus walked among men, he performed many miraculous works of GOD. We all know the stories of walking on water, calming the storm, feeding five thousand and of his wonderful teachings, mainly through parables. He proved that he was the Messiah by healing so many, even raising some from the dead. Yet, after so many witnessed these miracles that could only be done by the Son of GOD, his own people turned on him and condemned him to death.

Up to this point, the Bible was considered to be the sacred book of the Jews and meant for their eyes only. After Christ was put to death by the hand of his own people He, as promised, returned from the dead in the flesh and appeared to around five hundred people. He appeared and spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus and his message was to spread the Word beyond the realm of the Jews to the whole world.

When Jesus died, many of his followers were dismayed as they couldn't understand how the Son of the Almighty GOD, could suffer so much and be killed by men. They were frightened and fled but after Christ was resurrected and appeared to them, they shed their fears and began to boldly preach the Gospel even though they suffered much persecution.

Christ's resurrection was the act of GOD that signaled the time where all the peoples of the world were included in the marvelous gift of forgiveness. I thank GOD and Jesus Christ every day for this time in history. GOD made a promise and HE kept in sending HIS Son to cleanse the world.