We know GOD as the CREATOR of everything and our heavenly FATHER but how does GOD describe HIMSELF? Moses asked him that queston. At Exodus 33:18 he said,"Cause me to see, please, your glory."

In reply, GOD answered: "Jehovah, Jehovah, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abundant in loving-kindness and truth ,preserving loving-kindness for the thousands, pardoning error and transgression and sin, but by no means will he give exemption from punishment."

GOD let Moses know that HE is aware of all our shortcomings by making it clear that HE is slow to anger, merciful, full of love and kindness and is supremely forgiving. GOD knows we can't help ourselves when it comes to sin. No matter how righteous we are, we will at points in our lives, succumb to transgressions. GOD let's Moses know that its OK, HE will forgive us. We may have to pay a small price as GOD is also justice and there can be no balance of justice without judgement and retribution but in the end, HE will forgive us.

I have come to realize something the more I read the Bible and that is, GOD continuously widens the goal posts as sin becomes more abundant in the world. The punishment for the original sin that caused the fall may seem harsh but then GOD steadily makes atonement easier and easier as history marches on.

Initially GOD establishes the law and statutes required for reconciliaion. The statutes required constant sacrificing and seems a bit cumbersome if not gruesome. Then GOD sends HIS Son in, what seems to me, as the ultimate act of sacrifice and love for us. GOD changed the goal posts so that we may have forgiveness for all our sions without having to spill even one drop of blood. Forgiveness through Jesus Christ encompasses all sin with the only unpardonable sin being, knowing of Jesus but not accepting and believing in Him.

Eeven then, we learn ithat GOD n the book of Revelation that GOD does it again. For those who don't believe, they have another chance during the first resurrection where they will be able to see Jesus reigning on earth for themselves. If they still choose to reject Jesus, I wouldn't be surprised if GOD does something else to allow reconciliation. Like any loving father, GOD is doing HIS best to get HIS children to come home.