Colosians 3:17
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
"I didn't get that promotion I was so counting on.", "I can't afford the dream car I so want.", "I'll have to go to the Poconos instead of Hawaii for vacation!", "What do I have to be thankful for?" We often face so many little disappointments in life. My marriage is on the brink of disaster because I can't afford to buy my wife a bigger house. We are seperated and I am 90% sure she has found another man to provide her with what she desires. My heart is in pieces. What do I have to be thankful for?
There are 870,000,000 people on this planet that starving to death. A majirity of those are children who are innocent. 150 million American children are homeless...no roof to shelter them from the elements. I can't answer as to why GOD has inflicted this upon them but I can feel ashamed that I count my personal problems as important. The pain I feel is nothing compared to those that don't have food to eat. My situation seems hopleless but imagine waking up each day with your stomach growling and no hope for a morsel of food?
Put everything into perspective and we should realize that no matter what the circumstance, we must thank GOD for whatever HE has blessed us with. The worst of tests that we are positioned to endure are nothing compared to what Jesus suffered so that we can be saved. Thank you GOD through Jesus who suffered so much so that we may not have to. Amen.