The definition of an "act of God" is an extraordinary interruption by natural causes that cannot be foreseen or prevented, such as earthquakes or floods. These natural disasters cause destruction, loos of life, suffering and great sorrow as with Katrina and the Asian Tsunami in 2004. The big argument here is, why does GOD, who is all loving, allow such suffering? Well, first of all, GOD has a master plan and it's literally impossible for us to comprehend it. When these disasters happen, its difficult for us to see beyond the carnage and mayhem but if you think about it, these are the times when humanity acts like GOD intended for us to act.

I was in Singapore when the tsunami of 2004 for hit the Indian Ocean and amidst the shock and mourning, for a brief moment in our history, the world forgot all about its differences and pulled together to help one another. In a region filled with waring religions and politics, priests and presidents alike, united to aid those who were hit hardest.

Likewise, after hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans, many stories of courage, self sacrifice and compassion popped up everywhere. People forgot about themselves and rushed to help their neighbor. They loved their neighbor as they loved themselves just as Jesus commanded.

Perhaps when the world gets too far immersed in selfishness and conflict, GOD inflicts an "act" to remind us and get us back in touch with the good nature, the godly nature that HE instilled in all of us when HE created us. For a fleeting moment, we, as human beings, start to act more like GOD intended for us to act. As I said, no one can know for sure what HIS plan is but I have total faith that whatever HE has in store for us and whatever suffering HE may cause, is only for our own good. For me, it seems as if we show flashes of righteousness in times when GOD acts and that can only be good.