"Surely the Lord GOD does nothing, Unless He reveals His secret to His servants the prophets." Amos 3:7

We live i an age now where the world has fallen so far from GOD that severe punishment seems immanent. One only has to open a newspaper and the evil in the world springs up out of the pages as clear as day. The same edition will usually show GOD's wrath coupled with the evil deeds of man. One page may contain a story about a mass murder rampage at an elementary school where several innocent child have been senselessly massacred, while the next will relate a fearful story of a huge natural disaster, such as an earthquake, storm, draught or flood.

It is so blindingly evident to me that we are the cause of our own punishments and there is nothing cryptic about the cause and GOD delivered effect of our actions. There can be little denial that the greater and more frequent our sins become, the greater the retribution delivered by GOD becomes.
But GOD's punishments are not by surprise or out of the blue, HE has been warning us of the consequences of our sinful ways since the first sin. The prophets of old spoke GOD's words warning us long ago but our sin continues to compound. When hit by GOD's disasters, many cry out asking GOD why but we already know why.

With the state the fallen world is in today, its more of wonder why GOD hasn't blotted us out completely by now. In HIS infinite love for us, HE send these natural disasters as further warnings for the world to repent. The fact that we don;t heed the warnings is mind boggling.