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The Bible says two things, "Ask and you shall receive." and "Do not put the LORD your GOD to the test." GOD wants whats best for us. HE wants us to be happy within our means but HE doesn't want us to test HIM. By testing HIM, I mean bartering when praying or asking for signs of HIS existence. Barter praying is when we say, GOD, I will do this if you first do that for me and in the cases of asking for signs, I don't just mean asking for proof of HIS existence, I also mean asking for any sign in relation to anything. For instance, when we pray for GOD to show us a sign to help us decide something. For me, this is the same as asking for proof. We must go on faith, so the better prayer would be, LORD, I trust you will show me the way and whatever happens, I know that it is your will and that it is good.

When seeking signs from GOD, I feel we must first seek whats inside ourselves. This will determine whether or not we are able to recognize sign from HIM. If we are open, then signs will appear everywhere from a look from a stranger to a verse in the Bible. If we are closed, then we will naturally feel desconnected and alone.

By nature, I am a pretty closed person. This may come from so many skeletons in my closet from my years of addiction. It's not easy but I'm trying to open up and be more honest with myself as well as others. Little by little as I do so, I am beginning to see GOD and signs from above in more and more things. Nothing in the universe is random, it's all from the CREATOR.

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