"For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith" (Romans 12:3)
Paul gives us one of the cornerstones that should make up the foundation of our Christian character. In essence, he is telling us to gain control of ourselves, which is called self-mastering. Self-mastery is the ability of self control, to be able to govern one's own life in a sober, sensible, orderly, sane, discreet, prudent and moderate manner. If we can't govern our own lives, then we cannot manage our own passions and will be prone to excesses. Speaking from experience, lack of self-mastery caused me to be brash, dishonest, boastful, reckless and intoxicated most of the time. I was far from being at peace with myself and that translated into my relationships with others. No one likes a person who talks about himself too much.
If we are out of control, how can we expect others to want to keep our company much less GOD? GOD doesn't want us to be independant or on our own. As early as Genesis 2:18, GOD tells us this. And the LORD God said, "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a helper comparable to him." When we are left up to our own devices, we become self centered and introverted, letting selfishness take over. GOD requires us to have fellowship with others so that we may grow in the body of Christ.
If we have sefl-mastery, we are in check with our passions, keeping them under control. We make proper use of our drives and desires and will not have a tendancy to lean towards extremes but will exude humility and compassion towards others. In doing so, we can expect to attract others who desire to have a relationship with us. GOD's plan fulfilled and the ultimate and outstanding result is being closer to our MAKER.