The Bible is full of stories that tell us about GOD's miracles. Most of us are familiar with the stories of the book Exodus where GOD empowered Moses to perform many awesome feats, such as the ten plagues inflicted upon Egypt and the grand miracle of the parting of the Red Sea. The Holy Book teaches us of so many miracles, both great, such as the Red Sea as well as small, like the handwriting on the wall during Belshazzar's feast in the book of Daniel. These are recounts of the Old Testament miracles. I believe that before Christ coming, GOD had to be a bit more drastic in HIS attempts to reconcile mankind to Himself, so the miracles were sent in an attempt to transform people's hearts and get them to seek GOD and to believe. It worked for some but like dreams, the witnesses of these miracles eventually faded from memory and the selfishness of human nature resurfaced.

Then GOD sent the Massiah and HIS miracles took on a different appearance. Jesus was sent to take on GOD's wrath in our place and to pave the way for an easier reconciliation. The miracles Christ performed when with us on earth were more subtle in many ways but nonetheless miraculous. Jesus walked on water, commanded the elements. fed multitudes with so little, healed many and even raised some from the dead. With HIS Son on earth, GOD didn't need to manifest himself with grand miracles like the Red Sea. Jesus miracles were performed to display that GOD wants us back as well as out of pure compassion and love. Jesus' miracles showed us that He had come to save us.

So where are these miracles today you might ask? There are countless stories of miracles happening today. Many have miraculously been healed from terminal illnesses or survived certain death through their faith in GOD and Jesus. These miracles are so frequent that when we read about them, they barely register. When Jesus came to us, He provided us with the ability to perform the greatest of all miracles and that is the ability to live forever. The fact is, whether someone survives certain death or is healed, they will eventually die so such miracles pale in comparison to the miracle of eternal life through Christ. So the answer is a resounding yes, miracles do still happen and best of all, we can experiences the greatest of miracles through the softening of our hearts and acceptance of Jesus. By doing so, we can live forever and that is truly a miracle.