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Proverbs 15:19: The way of the lazy man is like a hedge of

thorns, but the way of the upright is a highway.


Proverbs 12:27: The lazy man does not roast what he took in

hunting, but diligence is man's precious possession.


Ecclesiastes 10:18: Because of laziness the building decays, and through idleness of hands the house leaks.


In the wisdom literature of the Bible, believed to be written by King Solomon, a common theme exists throughout, which is the perils of idleness or laziness. We were not put on this earth to sit around and be idle. Due to the original sin, we have been saddled with the task of toil. Basically GOD reuires effort from us in all things, especially in our quest to reconcile with HIM. There is no easy way out, even though Jesus death and resurrection has made reconciliation more possible, it still requires work and diligence. GOD wants us to work for each other and to be productive. HE wants us to sow, reap then share. Spiritually, HE wants us to be diligent in our practices of seeking HIM and to work hard at our faith. That's why we don't see miracles as often as we would like as it would go against GOD's testing of our faith.


In the wisdom literature, Solomon teaches us that the only result we can expect from be lazy is ruin. Spiritually speaking, if we are lazy in our efforts to find GOD, then sinply speaking, we won't find HIM. This will cause the loss of faith and ultimately plunge us back inot the fallen world of sin. But of we are diligent and apply our best efforts, then the road to GOD will become a "highway".

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