So, GOD came to earth in the form of the Word, Jesus Christ manifested in mortal flesh and HE suffered and died so that we may be saved. No matter how many times I think about it, read about it or hear about it, the chain of events of Jesus' life in earth continues to increasingly amaze me.

Jesus coming was not just a point in the Bible, His birth, life, deeds and death were all foretold many times a thousand years before He arrived. The intricacies and cause and effect that were all planned out by GOD for millenniums just shows us what wisdom and genius our CREATOR possesses.

Jesus came to earth as a mortal and was faced with all the temptations and weaknesses we have. GOD made sure that Jesus had the choice to save us or not. Lucky for us, He was able to resist evil and lived the perfect life. Jesus performed many miracles that we know of, yet we still delivered Him into the hands of His enemies to be brutalized and murdered. Doesn't say much for us and our judgement when we are left up to our own devices.

As amazing as Jesus' life was, is death is the crux of His time with us. After Jesus was crucified, He lay in His tomb for three days and nights then when Mary went to see His body,The enormous boulder covering the entrance was rolled away and an angel was sitting on top of it. "Don't be alarmed," he said. "You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene, who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid him. But go, tell his disciples and Peter, 'He is going ahead of you into Galilee. There you will see him, just as he told you.'" (Mark 16:7).

This is where amazing gets even better. Jesus appeared to over 500 people who were all eye witnesses to His resurrection. Jesus sacrificed His life to appease GOD for our sins. His resurrection was GOD's acceptance for His sacrifice. The day Jesus arose from the dead is the day that the world, you and me were saved. The whole thing was part of an incredible and intricate plan laid out by our FATHER. A plan that is still unfolding today in which you, me and everyone has a part in.