God is light. (James 1:17; 1 John 1:5)

GOD is pure light and is referenced with or described with light throughout the Old and New Testaments. First we must understand that GOD is all things, light, dark and everything in between but light best describes HIS character. Pure light is GOD's nature and although HE is all things, HE chooses only to exude light.

When we have light, all things become clearer. We see things as they are instead of obscure and shadowy shapes we ascertain in darkness. Light represents truth, love, righteousness, eternal life, hope, purity and confidence. These are the essential attributes of GOD's nature.

Light is associated with goodness and GOD's light is pure. On the other hand there is darkness, which represents falsehood, hatred, impurity, fear and sinfulness. In darkness, things are unclear, obscure and misinterpreted. John makes it very clear when he said, "In HIM, there is no darkness..."

So what does this mean to us? The Bible tells us to walk in the light, meaning to live life with our focus on truth, lover, righteousness and purity and in the light we will have eternal life and hope. With GOD's light, we can see clearly and step out of the falseness of the dark, where many live these days. C. S. Lewis put it this way: "We believe that the sun is in the sky at midday in summer not because we can clearly see the sun (in fact, we cannot) but because we can see everything else".

GOD is light and HIS light let's us see the right path to live by as quoted in Psalms, "Thy word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"