We live in a time where we are surrounded by products and the more our accumulated material wealth grows, so does our status in the eyes of those around us so it seems. We constantly seek to be the envy of our neighbors and are delighted when our peers covet what we have.
These earthly luxuries, as alluring as they are, are like the thorn bushes Jesus described in the parable of the sower. They choke our faith by instilling greater desire for status in the material world than for a spiritual life planted firmly in good soil provided by GOD.

I have always sought to wear better clothes, have a nicer watch, drive a flashier car and live in a better dwelling than my associates. I am paramountly guilty of an almost painful desire at times for material goods. I've dreamt about cars, clothes, houses that I so much wanted and prayed for the means to acquire them but now I realize that whatever I acquire today, fades with time. If I get that shiny new car, I will be satisfied for a short time, then there will always be a newer and better version that will, again, excite my desire. Its a never ending spinning wheel that will always leave you wanting and never truly fulfilled.

There is only one spiritual wealth and when you find it, the fulfillment lasts till the day you depart. That spiritual fulfillment for me is found in GOD through Jesus Christ who resisted satan's best efforts to tempt him, then gave his life for me! I will do my best to resist material temptation and seek spiritual wealth in Him who sacrificed so much so that I may find peace.