Was Jesus Christ a carpenter by trade? In the Greek versions of the Bible, it states that Jesus was a carpenter although the direct translation would be builder or craftsman. Oddly enough, in the Hebrew versions of the Bible, there is no mention of Him being a carpenter at all but it does say that He was the son of a carpenter and if you take into account the cultural climate at the time, it would be safe to assume that He worked as Joseph, His earthly father did.

Jesus was the Son of GOD begotten by GOD HIMSELF so to more accurately describe Him would be to say that He was GOD, the Son and one third of the Holy Trinity. Jesus is God, and has existed for all eternity (though not known by that name before his incarnation). Colossians 2:9: "For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily"(in human form). When He came to earth, He assumed human form so that He could receive the Holy Spirit and also suffer and die for our sins. Jesus was fully GOD and fully human possessing human nature as well as divine nature. It was necessary for Him to possess human nature in order to complete His suffering and to allow Him to be tempted, thus proving to us all that we can also resist temptation.

Many claim that Jesus was a prophet and a great man, which is false. Jesus was GOD and He knew this and made no secret about it and for this reason, the Jews at the time put Him to death. It was all part of GOD's plan to facilitate our reconciliation. GOD the FATHER sent GOD the Son in human form to receive the Holy Spirit making the union of the Holy Trinity complete in Jesus, the perfect being, who then willingly sacrificed Himself so that we may live.