So Jesus finally ascended to heaven after His time on earth. This we all know but where is He now in regards to us? We all know that He ascended in His physical form up to heaven and is now seated at the right hand of the FATHER. Does this mean He is just chillin' and waiting for the time of His return? Quite the contrary. In fact, He is busier now than when He was amongst us on earth.

You see, when Jesus sacrificed Himself for our sins, He made Himself the conduit or direct pipeline and the only way we can communicate with GOD. John 14:6, Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." He effectively became our advocate to the FATHER. When we sin. Jesus argues our case for forgiveness to GOD. In essence, He is our divine representation and His court record is 100% success. Thats why when we pray, we must do so through Jesus name.

But is Jesus still with us on earth? Absolutely! He promised us Himself when He said, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20. Every time we see a church, we see Jesus or more precisely, we see His body. Jesus established Himself as the head and we are His body. Basically each one of us that believes in Him are parts of the body of Christ and the church is the sum of the parts. United in the Holy Spirit, the church becomes the body of Christ and as it grows, so does Christ's presence here on earth.

When we feel alone or distanced from GOD, we can take comfort that Jesus is still and will always be by our side. He hasn't left us and all we have to do to realize His presence is to pray or go to church.