Amos 5:13
(13) Therefore the prudent man keeps quiet in such times, for the times are evil.
Nobody likes a rat, a snitch, a tattletale. That's what our evil society has taught us but to do GOD's will, shouldn't it be our duty to blow the whistle on wrongdoings? This doesn't mean we should pry or gossip or dig up dirt for too often, we go too far and begin to create crimes and that becomes false witness. But when we happen upon something that we know is wrong, shouldn't we call attention to it?
In our society, as in Amos' times, the prudent man keeps his mouth shut so as not to hurt his place in society. Same thing happens today. Rake for instance, one works for a company that is falsifying financial reports. He knows that if he blows the whistle, he loses his job and gets labelled a rat, so he truns a blind eye towards it allows the company to continue to lie and garner investment based on false financials. He essentially allows the com-any to cheat and steal. I believe GOD's way would be to expose such wrongdoings no matter how it effects you in today's evil times.